The Little Truckee River Bridge was designed to replace the bridge that washed out in 1996 (See attached photo). Replacement involved construction of approximately 1000 ft of new roadway, stream bank protection, water quality control elements, and the bridge itself. The new bridge is a single span, cast-in-place, prestressed concrete box girder bridge approximately 90 ft long and 16 ft wide.  It is supported on spread footings. The alignment of the bridge and roadway is on a 500 ft radius curve.

NRV performed advanced planning studies, prepared the plans, specifications and estimate and provided construction support for the project. Richard V. Nutt, NRV principal, served as project manager. Because of the small nature of the project and the limited staff of the client, NRV provided engineering services for many aspects of project development including project administration. topographic surveying, construction control surveying, hydraulic and hydrologic analysis including rip rap design, project geometric design, design of environmental mitigation, environmental reporting and permit acquisition, and preparation of the contract plans, special provisions, and the Engineer’s Estimate. In addition, NRV assisted in providing construction support and construction inspection services, including approval of falsework and other shop drawings plus collection and processing of concrete samples for testing. Geotechnical services and materials testing was provided by Holdrege and Kull in Truckee, California


Little Truckee River Bridge

Little Truckee River Bridge

Sierra County



Sierra County, California

Client Contact

Tim H. Beals, Director

Public Works Dept, Sierra County

Construction Cost


Completion Date